NXT Landscape
NXT took what we learned from our Premier theme and stripped it down to the bare minimum putting all the flexibility in the hands of the designer. This allows you to build an impressive, engaging experience catered to your unique style.
Seven Modules
Modules can be duplicated if needed. This flexibility allows you to build an impressive, engaging experience catered to your unique goals and expectations.
When not in active mode, your screens can provide important information to your donors, visitors, students or employees.
Video Backgrounds
Easily add video backgrounds, making your project even more engaging to your visitors.
QR Code Donation
Make it simple for your visitors to make a donation, we provide a QR code and message to quickly access your online service.
Web Version
An online version allows out-of-state donors or those unable to be be physically present to see the impact they have made.
Enhanced Screensaver
Honoring the donors, athletes, board members or whomever you wish to highlight is why we developed this screensaver. Even when your Screens are not in active use they can call out the good people that you really wish to show appreciation for. The CMS allows you to allocate which donors should be included within the enhanced Screensaver.
Mobile Donation
Donating should should be simple. This slide out message with QR code will never present a barrier to entry.
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Unlock the power of our easy, professional and affordable interactive software solution.